Medical Device
Fulton Branded Products

GlicerofosfoinositoloHyaluronic AcidLactoferrin
INPRO is a Medical Device in suppositories to be used for the local treatment of the symptoms of acute and chronic prostatitis; therefore, it is indicated in males over the age of 18 years.
Prostatitis of both bacterial and abacterial nature, is a multifactorial pathology that can be due to several factors ranging from bacterial infection, trauma, psychophysical, bad sexual habits, incorrect lifestyles. Especially regarding chronic abacterial prostatitis, despite being the most common form, is also the most difficult to treat. It usually appears after the age of 20 and the cause often does not appear to be related to anything specifically detectable. Absence of pathogenic bacteria in both sperm and urine or urethral swab. The disease can be caused by various factors and sometimes it is the sequela of a real previous bacterial prostatitis and can originate due to proctological pathologies such as fistulas, fissures, hemorrhoids. Often instead, it follows a long period of stress or psycho-physical fatigue with the consequent persistence of a prolonged spasm of the muscles of the perineal floor (muscles of the anus), with subsequent inflammation of the pudendal nerves. This type of situation includes patients who have developed an abacterial prostatitis with the prolonged use of the bicycle or with the practice of spinning. In this situation, the presence of pathogenic bacteria will not be detected.
The symptoms of chronic abacterial prostatitis are the most varied (urinary, painful, sexual), but on all usually prevail painful symptoms that can manifest themselves as:
- urethral burning, whether or not caused by urination and/or ejaculation;
- pain/burning of the perineal floor with radiation to the groin, testicles and back;
- Perianal and intra anal pain with intra anal foreign body sensations.
INPRO is an adjunct to the usual drug therapy and has two functions:
- Film action because of hyaluronic acid that covers the rectal mucosa facilitating the passage of feces. In addition, the film action of hyaluronic acid is also useful as a barrier effect by counteracting the passage of any pathogenic noxae from the rectal ampoule affected by stool parking. Emptying the rectal ampoule restores the feeling of pressure at the anus-rectal level. Hyaluronic Acid is the main component of the extracellular matrix (ECM) and is present in high concentrations mainly in connective tissue, skin, umbilical cord, synovial fluid, vitreous humour, but also in the lungs, kidneys, brain and muscles. In the body, hyaluronic acid performs various physiological functions, protects the tissues thanks to its viscoelastic properties, regulates the degree of hydration of the tissues and the transport of water, performs lubricating action on biological surfaces. Another property that distinguishes hyaluronic acid is its ability to bind water, causing proteoglycans to become hydrated to the point that a structure similar to a gel is formed. Hyaluronic acid, in fact, recalls and retains water within the extracellular space, resulting in an increase in the volume of the dermis or other biological fluids.
- Protective antioxidant effect of lactoferrin and glycerolfosfoinositol (GPI Lysine) acting as scavenger of free radicals going to act on the paradigm stress-oxidative/ inflammation.